Г. Владимир / Vladimir in the 1970s

Г. Владимир в цветных фотографиях 1970-е годы The town of Vladimir in colour photographs 1970s Музыка: Ольга Кустова - Город мой Владимир Muisc: Olga Kustova - My city Vladimir The city of Vladimir is one of the ancient cities of Russia and was, during, the 12th century one of the medieval capitals of the country, with a number of buildings surviving from this time. Traditionally, the founding date of Vladimir has been acknowledged as 1108, as the first mention of Vladimir in the Primary Chronicle appears in that year.n The city’s most historically significant events occurred after the turn of the 12th century. Under Dolgoruky’s son, Andrey Bogolyubsky (1157–1175), the city became the centre of the Vladimir-Suzdal Principality. A Golden Age lasted until the Mongol invasion in 1237. During this time, Vladimir enjoyed immense growth and prosperity. Andrey oversaw the building of the city’s Golden Gates and the Dormition Cathedral. In 1164, A
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