I tested 40 road is best? | Tests | Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic Guides
Since the Waste and Maintenance update, the amount of traffic has increased immensely, so much that I may have changed my opinion on if real traffic management is needed.
For that reason, I felt it was necessary to figure out the best junction/interchange design, and here are the results.
My tests, tutorials and how to guides are aimed at new players, who may have skipped the in game tutorial or found issue with the same. This game has many hidden features, and I aim to show you all of them.
WR:SR is an amazing sandbox city/republic builder, that allows you to control all aspects of your new country, from citizens happiness, health, education to production chains, vehicle and resource production, import export. You can do all this by truck, train, ship, and in the near future plane. There are a million ways to make your republic your own and that’s what we will do.
01:09 Test Setup
04:13 4 Way Junction
05:36 Roundabouts
07:25 Cloverleaf
08:20 Cloverload Highway
09:34 Elevated Roundabout
11:29 Turbine/Windmill
12:29 Diamond
13:33 Diverging Diamond
14:43 Dumbell
15:09 SPUI
16:20 Stack
18:08 Final Thoughts
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