Saudi Arabia Just SHOCKED American Scientists With This

15 Facts About Saudi Arabia’s Drought And Culture. Now take a closer look at this map, Saudi Arabia, which is nearly as big as Western Europe and is more than a fifth the size of the United States, is the fourteenth largest country by land area in the world. Its land area is two-point-one-four million square kilometers. Driving down memory lane, Ibn Saud, then known as King Abdulaziz of Saudi Arabia established the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in September nineteen-thirty-two. Saudi Arabia is one of the few nations on Earth without even a single permanent river, with an annual rainfall of less than... one hundred and fifty millimeters. When you think of Saudi Arabia, you think of the hot scorching desert sun and endless sand dunes. However, in the desert of the Kingdom, there is strange but spectacular activity going on. Here, in this video, we’ll talk about fifteen facts about Saudi Arabia’s Drought and Culture. For business matters: mixedphenomenon@ Check Out These Videos: Saudi Arabia Just SHOCKED American Scientists With This Saudi Arabia Just SHOCKED American Scientists With This Saudi Arabia Just SHOCKED American Scientists With This
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