★ 4K 🇨🇭 Samedan - Zernez - Landquart freight car view/ cab ride, Switzerland []

New year’s special! Paolo tried something very interesting on this run. We’re delivering a load of rails for some upcoming maintenance work on the line ahead, amongst other goods. Their low profile gave Paolo the idea of placing his camera at the rear for a change, which is made even more interesting by the fact that the rails stretch out over multiple wagons and have to bend along with the train in turns. In Zernez, the rail wagons are uncoupled and 3 other wagons are added to the train to be delivered to Landquart. Personally, I love the way freight is still transported in small amounts on the Rhaetian network. Small amounts of freight or “wagon load“ freight has been reduced in Switzerland over the past 2 decades as the Swiss government has slowly removed its subsidisation of freight transport on rails. Many service points have been closed due to the costs of serving them at such low levels of traffic. Thankfully SBB Cargo has made an effort to keep freight on the rails
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