[Eng Sub] Grand tour of Tiangong Space Station with Shenzhou-13 astronauts 跟随神舟十三号乘组了解在中国空间站的工作与生活

3 parts of the lecture are now available: Science demonstration ; Interactive Q&A Space station tour ; Please subscribe: During the space lecture, Wang Yaping led a tour of Chinese Space Station. We got to know the interior structure of the Tianhe core module, equipment the taikonauts use to counter the adverse effects of microgravity and their research work on cell biology. Watch the video to learn how to jog on the space treadmill, what appliances are installed in the space kitchen, how to cycle in space and what a penguin suit is. You will also see interesting behaviors of cardiomyocytes observed through the microscope equipped in the space station. 在太空授课期间,王亚平带领我们参观了中国空间站。我们得以了解天和核心舱的内部结构、航天员用来对抗微重力不利影响的设备以及他们在细胞生物学方面的研究工作。观看此视频,了解航天员如何在太空跑步机上跑步、太空厨房都有哪些电器、如何用太空自行车锻炼以及什么是企鹅服。您还将看到生物显微镜下心肌细胞在失重环境中的奇妙行为。航天员&#
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