“KILLER OF MAN“ The idea for the KOM music video was inspired by Stanley Kubrick’s film, “The killing”, Douglas Sirk’s, “Shock Proof”, and the Duran Duran music video, “Femme Fatale”. The KOM music video was shot like a classic film noir while following a contemporary take on the Femme Fatales aesthetic. Stacy is stalked/chased by a vengeful and homicidal ex-lover, who refuses to let him leave her. She, at first, stalks and spies on him from the shadows. As the song progresses her approach becomes bolder until she eventually grabs a kitchen knife and tries to murder him. A special thank you to everyone who helped bring this to fruition. You’re all very dear to me for putting in the time and effort to help create such a beautiful piece of art. CREDITS Director………………………………................Cole J. Hanauer Rogoff Christiansen Director of Photo
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