Brave Dog Sacrificed its own life to Protect 10 years old kid from a Wolf!!!

#dogsprotectingowners #guarddogs #dogvswolf A dog in Turkey sacrificed its own life to protect its 10 year old owner from a wolf. Loyalty is just a natural behaviour for dogs. Dogs are pack animals, meaning they are social creatures who prefer the company of other animals. This behaviour is a survival mechanism too. Packs succeed because the members of the group depend on one another to survive. Many dog trainers and other animal experts believe this pack mentality also causes dogs to be loyal to their humans. They think pooches view people as just another member of the pack. So dogs don’t just love a good cuddle , they also think loyalty will keep them alive. Dogs will do anything to protect their owner, but this statement isn’t for every dog breed, it’s only for the breeds that were bred to hunt, guard and protect us. For example, You won’t expect a Labrador to give its life to protect you, they were bred to retrieve not to hunt or guard. On the other hand a Pitbull will happ
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