WK3-OPERATION: „Hardtack-Nutmeg-“ und „Teapot-Tesla-“ TESTS zur Entvölkerung – Atombomben-Szenen (ZUKUNFT?)
English title:
WW3-OPERATION: „Hardtack-Nutmeg-“ and „Teapot-Tesla-“ TESTS for depopulation – FUTURE?
This video is an „ANTI-WAR“ vid. I hope these Atomic-bombs weren’t used in WW3. But visionaries as Alois Irlmaier saw exactly these bombs in their visions. Please research for him. The bombs were tested her for you and your death in the near future, somewhere in the US or Russia. This is, what war mongerers think.
The cameras shudder as blinding light flashes across the earth. Deformed white clouds balloon and mutate from the force of the nuclear test explosions. These are some of the images captured in raw footage of bomb tests carried out by the United States between 1945 and 1962 in Nevada and the Marshall Islands. For the first time, the footage is available in an online archive after some of about 10,000 nuclear testing films were restored, scrutinized and declassified in a project by the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in California. The bulk of the videos, some only seconds long and others just over seven minutes, had been stored at the Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico. But the experts in Livermore, about 40 miles southeast of San Francisco, have been working for years to retrieve and preserve the films, which over time had begun to turn brittle or curl, and then to create digital imprints. So far this week more than 60 of the nuclear tests films were published by the Livermore lab’s YouTube account, and more will be added. They offer an evolving glimpse of the closest that most people (one hopes) will ever get to a nuclear blast. “It’s just unbelievable how much energy is released,” said Dr. Gregory D. Spriggs, a weapons physicist in charge of the project at Livermore, in a statement accompanying the release of the first batch of films on Tuesday. “We hope that we would never have to use a nuclear weapon ever again,” he said.
Teapot was authorized by President Eisenhower on 30 August 1954. This series of fourteen shots proof tested a broad variety of fission devices with low to moderate yields. As a group these devices combined several innovations - some previously tested, some introduced during this test series - to create a new pattern of fission device that would dominate the design of all later weapons. These devices used new compact, efficient, light weight spherical implosion systems; beryllium tampers; hollow cores; deuterium-tritium boosting; and the use of neutron pulse tubes as initiators to create light, compact, efficient, and reliable fission explosive systems. These devices were tested for a broad variety of tactical weapon applications, including air defense (AD) and anti-submarine warfare (ASW). Several new primaries were tested for a new generation of lighter and more compact (Class “D“) thermonuclear weapons to be fired in 1956 during Operation Redwing. Weapons effects tests were scheduled to develop information on the use of nuclear explosives against aircraft, and to gain more information about cratering. UCRL (University of California Radiation Laboratory, now the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory - LLNL) had its first successful test shots after two and a half years of trying. UCRL demonstrated linear implosion - a non-lensed implosion approach used in artillery shells and other applications where very small diameter systems are required. Approximately 8000 DOD personnel participated in the Desert Rock VI exercise which was intended to familiarize troops with the capabilities of nuclear weapons, and the conditions of atomic combat. LANL test shots were named after flying insects, fruits, and vegetables. UCRL test shots were named after inventors and San Francisco streets. DOD shot names were abbreviations or abbreviation mnemonics.
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