Thursday, Week 28: Self -“You’re Not Supposed To“: (RAW SURFACES), Oil on Paper (30/07/2020)

We continue our now revelatory painting on un-primed paper week and what better way to celebrate our new findings than confronting our present self. The way we perceive ourselves usually speaks about the way in which we perceive others. I once again am in absolute love with the earthy, mud-like quality of the paint. I know that there are more stable, highly absorbent grounds that could be used as alternatives, but the more I think about it, there’s nothing like the feel of painting fibers sucking in all the oil from the paint. You almost have to fight with your paint. Buuuuut something amaaayyyzing happens after the 2 hour mark. The surface just seems to settle and the struggle between paint and paper finally ends. It’s almost like there’s an initial resistance, as if they were strangers, and there’s no other choice but to have them quarrel with each other for 2 hours. But if you get past that tense introduction, there’s a moment, I don’t know how else to describe it, where they both
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