Ultimate ’something’? What, even the Ultimate Ikea Furniture Builder? Hajime, I think you need to work on having some better standards.
⇱ Suggest a song for me to cover or a fandom for me to write for! ⇲
This is track 1/16 ( 4) in my SDR2 album that will be releasing in anywhere from six months to a years time. Thought I’d start with that one instead of rambling for no reason at the start of the description!
So, let’s get this over with: of course I was inspired by Mcki Robyns P. It’s hard not to be - the niche of DR fan songs is so tiny! But I wanted to try and make my MV and production as lively and unique as possible. I really hope you enjoy this.
I intend on doing a lyrical analysis of my own music here because there are some really good lyrics - I put in a LOTTTT of double meanings. At one point during the production, my friend asked me ’is this just a Komaeda love song’ and I responded, verba