How to convert .USM into .MP4 and back | Jackbox modding

A small tutorial on how to correctly convert files without compressing them I might do one on .bank extraction & just general jackbox modding not sure if I can be bothered to Don’t be an idiot and share game files... *NOTE* Akira has brought it to my attention that you can make a lossless .avi file using the following ffmpeg command [ ffmpeg -i -brand mp42 -c:a pcm_s16le -ar 41000 -b:v 16M ] Im still gonna use .tga because i experienced on my own that, that worked Also check his video out : VGMToolbox : FFMPEG : FFPROMPT : (You need 7zip to unzip that ^^ ) ScaleformVideoEncoder : !-! Help on the “d“ part !-! for 001, 002, 003 ... 999 use d for 1, 2, .. 15, 16, 17 ... use %d for files that have letters you have the following options if its image001, image002 ... you can use “imaged“ otherwise you can just do “*.PNG“ (d looks for a padding of 3 digits that might have leading 0’s, %d looks for numbers in order, * means it accepts all names, it only looks for the filetype) /-/ If your sequence starts at like 75 you can do “-start_number #“ before your “-i“ /-/ 0:00 Intro 0:40 .usm to .mp4 3:00 .mp4 to .usm For reference this is the comparison between .avi and .tga .avi : .tga : .avi using the complex command : Discord if you for some reason need it : Depresso#7788
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