Matangi Mantra x108 - ETHEREAL MIX - Laghushyama Mantra

Learn more about Sri Mata Vidya through our LinkTree in the About section. Matangi vidya is a very important step in the sadhana of Srividya and the upasana of LTS or Lalithambikai. In fact the first step is Mahaganapati upasana. The second is Matangi. Then Varahi. Then Mata herself as Bala, then LTS and finally Rajrajeshwari. We end the Srividya with the grace of Ucchishta Ganapati. This navratri, I am offering a special Matangi vidya workshop, all but one seat is booked. But before you opt for the workshop… Who is Matangi? Matangi is the ninth of the ten Mahavidya Goddesses. Like Goddess Saraswati, She governs speech, music, knowledge and the arts which is why she is known as the Tantric version of Saraswati. She is the consort of UG! There is a dichotomy here because although Goddess Matangi is compared to the Goddess Saraswati, She is often associated with pollution and impurity and she is offered cloth stained with menstrual blood in her offerings. As his consort, She is considered an embodiment of Ucchishta (उच्छिष्ट), which means leftover food in hands and the mouth. Hence, She is also known as Ucchishta Chandalini and Ucchishta Matangini. She is described as an outcaste and offered left-over and partially eaten food i.e. Ucchishta to seek her blessings. You will be taught why. Matangi’s Origin – There are several legends which are associated with Goddess Matangi. Once, Lord Vishnu and Goddess Lakshmi visited Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati. A feast was arranged by Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati in honor of visiting couple. While eating, the deities dropped some of the food on the ground. A beautiful maiden arose from dropped food who asked for their left-overs. The four deities granted her their left-overs as Prasad. Matangi Iconography – Goddess Matangi is often represented as emerald green in complexion. Goddess Matangi is depicted with four arms in which She holds a noose, sword, goad and a club. She is portrayed in red dress and adorned with golden jewelry. She is shown sitting on a golden seat. In Raja Matangi form, She is portrayed with the Veena along with a parrot. Matangi Sadhana – Goddess Matangi Sadhana is prescribed to acquire supernatural powers, especially gaining control over enemies, attracting people to oneself, acquiring mastery over the arts and gaining supreme knowledge. Matangi Mool Mantra – ॐ ह्रीं ऐं भगवती मतंगेश्वरी श्रीं स्वाहा॥ Om Hreem Aim Bhagawati Matangeshwari Shreem Svaha॥ BOOK YOUR MATANGI WORKSHOP NOW EMAIL tina@
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