THE SIGHT & THE SOUND 2/3 : Inflight spectacular Low Pass of Grixona IL-18 ER-ICB around Balti
Daniel’s Travel Vlog
This video has been remastered and substantially improved in vision and sound and replaced the initial posting in 2017.
During an aviation charter of this beautiful Ilyushin 18 by AirEvents Limited initiated by the author of this video on April 4, 2009, a group of aviation geeks flew from Chișinău - Moldova - to Bălți in the North of the country and back with a ramp tour to follow in Chișinău.
The plane was parked in Bălți on the middle of the runway and everybody picknicked right there... beneath the plane, avgeek’s heaven !
This video documentary takes us onboard an absolute surprise !
Nobody expected the crew to perform a Low Pass over the Runway, burning loads of fuel for a seven minute ride.
And I happened to be “trapped” on board with a fellow Avgeek, Dan Gaston, when the doors were suddenly closed and the propellers started rotating !
This video has been taped in 2009 newest