How to Pump a Longboard / Skateboard - Vlad Popov - CodePink PUMP

One of the best tutorials on a variety of skateboard pumping methods. Vlad Popov is an accomplished slalom skateboarder who went toe to toe with Michael Dong in the 2000’s on the cyber slalom course. I recently touched base with him about how popular this “Code Pink“ video on VIMEO has become on , and he shared some insight on a new tutorial to come. Thanks! “So far, I’ve trained 23 new people in 4 months this year, and got almost 150 hours of training experience. We’ve shot some new footage recently, and I’ll soon put together another tutorial with all the exercises people have to go through to get “from 0 to hero in 2 weeks“ - John Gilmour used to promote something like that on a long time ago.“ Vlad’s pumping site: how to pump compilation:
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