Teenage Daughter and Mom Reading Each Other’s Heart | WMSCOG, Church of God

Teenage daughter and her mom are looking into each other’s diaries containing their hearts. We deliver our comfort and encouragement to all families with the heart of a mother who always loves her child despite conflicts over small matters. The background piece of music was written and arranged, based on a New Song by the Church of God New Song Mission Center. #WMSCOG #WorldMissionSocietyChurchOfGod #CulturalMission #TouchingTrueStory #CommunicationWithChild #Puberty #LoveOfMother #StarlightLetter #NewSong #DistanceBetweenMyMomAndMe About “Stars in the Desert” This virtual content has been created by the Church of God as part of its cultural mission, to comfort people suffering from the fatigue caused by COVID-19 as well as to promote love inside our families. Touching musical essays on everyday life are uploaded on this channel. ★ World Mission Society Church of God [The copyright of this video belongs to the World Mission Society Church of God. Unauthorized
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