Never Say No | World Mission Society Church of God, Ahnsahnghong, God the Mother

A Common Teaching in the 66 Books of the Bible: “Never Say No” Man cannot know what is coming up ahead. However, God foresees eternity and leads us to salvation. Therefore, we must absolutely believe in Him and depend on Him. In the Age of the Father, those who always said “yes” to the LORD, and in the Age of the Son those who said “yes” to Jesus Christ, in the Age of the Holy Spirit, those who say “yes” to Father Christ Ahnsahnghong and God the Mother can receive eternal blessings like Peter, John, Noah, Abraham, Gideon, and Joshua. Church of God Follows the Teachings of God In this Age of the Holy Spirit, we ought to believe the blessings contained in the words of God Elohim, who told us to preach in the Samaria and to the ends of the earth, and preach the gospel of the New Covenant to the whole world. Isaiah 55:8–9 “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways . . . so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts
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