Michael Jackson live in Moscow September 15th 1993 amateur+snippets

Hello welcome to the description as promised here is the moscow video btw i found some new snippets that i haven’t seen in videos and i will timestamp them Discord server: Other servers can be found within mine Mega folder: #AnxwShRgIPvNB7_Q7Tg1pg Time stamps 0:00 Hi 0:07 Jam 3:29 (new footage) 6:10 Wanna Be Startin Somethin 11:03 Human Nature 15:47 Smooth Criminal intro 16:48 Smooth Criminal 18:13 and 18:22 (New footage) 21:18 I Just Can’t Stop Loving You 25:35 She’s Out Of My Life 28:07 (New footage) 28:32 J5 Medley/ I want you back 29:42 The Love You Save 30:36 and 30:45 New footage 30:45 I’ll Be there 34:08 (New footage) 34:41 Thriller 40:37 Billie Jean 44:13 (New footage) 47:47 Will You Be There/new footage 54:03 Dangerous 58:57 Heal The World 1:05:59 Ending/I love you moscow 1:06:16 (new footage) 1:06:28 Ending again Ig
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