The Chorts - Grimoire I (EP 2023)
Hell Is Empty, and All The Chorts Are Here
#Heavy #doom sound bastards, born in the industrial areas of the old Moscow. Metatexts synchronise with dark guitar heaviness. Disciples of doom and stoner brew psychedelics in factory corridors and underground labyrinths.
Strigoi 00:00
Under The Moon 03:58
Sabbath Of The Oak 06:09
released October 31, 2023
Arthur Mnoian - guitar
Vadim Markov - lead guitar
Kirill Yefimov - vocals
Daniil Gegart - bass
Dmitry Filippov - drums
Cover by The Chorts
Mixing: Igor Butz
Recorded at Pentagram Hous
...e Studio, 2023
CSBR Records Label:
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