The Legend of Spyro: The Eternal Night (Mobile) soundtrack (J2ME version, Nokia soundbank)
Music by: Guillaume Lebrasseur
Developer: The Mighty Troglodytes
Publisher: Vivendi Games Mobile
0:00 Splash Screen
0:39 Cinematic
1:24 The Dragon Temple
3:22 Map
3:54 The Elementary Vault
5:54 Flight
7:55 The Dragon Peak
9:59 The Ancient Grove
11:58 The Canopy
13:57 Fellmuth Arena
16:05 The Captain’s Cabin
18:13 The Celestial Caves
20:12 The Well of Souls
22:13 The Final Showdown
24:18 Ending
24:59 Jingles
3 weeks ago 00:02:41 6
sinking in the deep || Viktor (Arcane)
3 weeks ago 00:19:15 1
RUN . Performing At their LAST SHOW EVER!! At Yankee Stadium HIP HOP 50 In Da BRONX