Mount Malefor (Lonely Angel’s Edit) - The Legend of Spyro: The Eternal Night

Artist: Rebecca Kneuhbuhl, Gabriel Mann Album: The Legend of Spyro: The Eternal Night Original Game Music Score Year: 2007 Label: Universal Music Production Library Disk: 2 Track: 06 Name: Mount Malefor Lyrics: Original Wording from: Work - Tristia, Book I, XI Author - Ovid [Original in Latin] Nam simul insidiis hominum pelagique laboro Et faciunt geminos ensis et unda metus Ille meo uereor ne speret sanguine praedam Haec titulum nostrae mortis habere uelit [Translation to English] For the snares of men and of the sea unite in causing my woe; The sword and the waves produce twin fears The one may look for booty through my blood, I fear Whilst the other may wish to win renown from my death The lyrics make parallels to Malefor’s actual state, and his spiritual influence that stayed in the world. How the betrayal to your plans filled his spirit with thirst for vengeance, and how your influence attract tainted souls to
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