Back to Basics

Title : Back to Basics Size : 57330 bytes Format : Scream Tracker Channels : 4 Patterns : 11 Instruments : 18 Samples : 11 (8 bit) Length : ( trimmed) - 20 orders (c)1996 ARGH! of WHO-the-HELL-cares? ------------------------------------------ ----------== M T E C ==---------- ------------------------------------------ Back to Basics A 4 track .S3M file written in half an hour. Greets to all the lamerz on #trax - and them lot on efnet/#coders. ------------------------------------------ jonl@ ===================== Original S3M - WAV 96Khz 32bit - WAV 96Khx 32bit - with Bass Boost active (from video) XMPlay - Euphoria XMPlay skin - YOU WA SHOCK! bass boost DSP -
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