Kamikaze drone Iran Shahed 136 | How it Works

Corrected Version link here: F16- Fighter Jet #kamikazedrone #iraniandrones #drones The kamikaze drone from Iran Shaheed-136 with A Russian Designated name Geranium-2. Why is this a big deal? This Russian Kalibr Cruise Missile costs around 1 million dollars, Now this American Tomahawk Cruise Missile cost about 2 million dollars The Shaheed 136 is more or less a low budget Cruise missile with a reported price tag of just $10,0000 to $20,000 dependinging on variants. While the Average price of cars here in America is around $40,000. When launched in swarms these are a menace in this modern battlefield. But in this content, we will look at how this drone works, the Moped engine behind i,t, and The basic step-by-step process of how this works. It wouldn’t be fair if the pros and cons are not analyzed and how they are being tackled and how to counter the dro
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