Allegory of Spring. Allegorical Paintings. 40 Artworks Slideshow

01. Edouard Bisson - An Allegory of Spring (1891) 02. Edwin Blashfield - Spring Scattering Stars (1927) 03. Enrico Fanfani - Spring (before 1885) 04. Fedor Encke - Allegory of Spring (c. 1900) 05. George Wilson - The Spring Witch (c. 1880) 06. Hans Deiters - Spring (before 1922) 07. Hans Thoma - Spring (1877) 08. Henrik Pap - The awakening of spring (before 1910) 09. Antoine Coypel - Zephyr and Flora. Allegory of spring (1699) 10. Benes Knupfer - Spring at the Seaside (before 1910) 11. Cesar Philipp - Allegory of Spring (before 1930) 12. Abraham Brueghel - Allegory of Spring (1651-90) 13. Abraham Brueghel - Allegory of Spring (1660-99) 14. Abraham Janssens - Allegory of Spring (c. 1610-32) 15. Alphonse Mucha - Spring (1896) 16. Alphonse Mucha - Spring (1897) 17. Anna Berent - Awakening of Spring (before 1929) 18. Anton Kern - Summer and Spring (1747) 19. Arnold Bocklin - Spring Evening (1879) 20. Arthur Henry Jenk
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