Venus and Cupid. Mythological Paintings. 33 Artworks Slideshow

Slide show paintings, artworks, mythological painting, classical paintings, Greek Mythology, Ancient Greek mythology, famous paintings, oil paintings, fine arts. 1. Adriaen van der Werff - Cupid Kissing Venus (1700-25) 2. Adriaen van der Werff - Venus and Cupid (c. 1716) 3. Alessandro Allori - Venus and Cupid (after 1570) 4. Angelo Bronzino - An Allegory with Venus and Cupid. Allegory of Lust (c. 1545) 5. Anonymous - Venus and Cupid (17th century) 6. Antoine Watteau - Cupid Disarmed (c. 1715) 7. Antonio da Correggio - Venus with Mercury and Cupid (c. 1525) 8. Anonymous - Venus blind folding Cupid (17th century) 9. Bartholomeus Spranger - Venus and Cupid (1590-99) 10. Bartholomeus Spranger - Venus and Cupid with Mercury and Psyche (c. 1600) 11. Bartholomeus van der Helst - Venus punishing Cupid (1636-70) 12. Bartolomeo Neroni - Reclining Venus with two Amorini (16th century) 13. Battista Dossi - Venus and Cupid (1530) 14. Benjamin Wes
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