Braun Strowman’s Top 20 Best Punches!

Braun Strowman’s Top 20 Best Moves and Punches in WWE Fight! LIKE | COMMENT | SHARE | SUBSCRIBE List of Punches in this Top: 1. Oklahoma Stampede 2. Forearm Club 3. Biel 4. Reverse Chokeslam 5. Corner Splash 6. Big boot 7. Body toss 8. Double Front Dropkick 9. Lariat 10. Shoulder Block 11. Mid Air Clothesline 12. Chokeslam 13. Clothesline 14. Elbow Smash 15. Lifted Shoulder Clutch 16. Mid Air Front Slam 17. Mid Air Oklahoma Stampede 18. Running Corner Tackle 19. Torture Rack 20. Wheelbarrow Facebuster __
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