Quick Sort in Java - Part 2 | Partition Method Animation | Conceptual Overview | Sorting Algorithms

Quick Sort is a divide and conquer algorithm. It involves 3 steps - 1. Pivot Selection - We pick an element and mark it as pivot. The pivot element can be first element, last element or any random element. 2. Partitioning - We reorder the array such that all elements greater than pivot comes after the pivot and all elements smaller than pivot comes before the pivot. The elements equal to pivot can go either side of the pivot. After this partitioning the pivot is at its correct sorted position. 3. Recursion - Recursively apply the above steps on the subarray formed to the left side of pivot and on the subarray formed on the right side of the pivot. ►This video is part of my Complete Data Structures and Algorithms Course playlist: ►Source Code - ►Click here to subscribe - Watch all my playlist here: ►Data Structures and Algorithms C
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