A Guide To CompletableFuture in Java with Examples | Asynchronous Operations in Java | Geekific
Java’s Future API was introduced in Java 5, and a Future is used as a reference to the result of an asynchronous computation. We previously explained and gave a lot of examples related to multi-threaded operations in Java, and in this video we further expand on this topic by tackling Completable Futures which were introduced in Java 8 and their main purpose was to handle the limitations of the Future class.
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00:00 Introduction
00:07 What are Completable Futures?
01:00 What are Future Limitations? Why Completable Futures?
02:49 Creating a Completable Future
03:54 Acting on a Completable Future
05:55 Combining Completable Futures
08:11 Exception Handling
09:21 Thanks for Watching!
#Geekific #CompletableFuture #Java #Multithreading
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