Dingomaro Trailer #1

Since his Internet hit Bad Shans (hard luck), Hamid Said has become one of the most famous black musicians in Iran. He’s travelling by motorbike across the province of Hormozgan, which is situated in the South of the country on the PersianGulf, in order to realise his dream —he wants to organise a concert with the best black musicians in the country. Besides Persians, Indians, Arabs and Europeans,the province of Hormozgan Iran’s “black south”— has been influenced primarily by the descendants of slaves and merchants from Africa. Although Shiites, they still hold Voodoo ceremonies just as their African ancestors did. And wakes inHormozgan are more reminiscent of scenes from New Orleans, with the mourners dancing in an elated and joyous manner to black rhythms. Filmmaker KamranHeidari accompanies Hamid Said as he attempts to make his dream come true. Hemust overcome numerous hurdles along the way: Hormozgan’s landscape, which is as inhospitable as it is breathtaking —travelling from the coast over rugged mountains to the desert; the African spirit rites; and the resistance of his wife, who iscompletely against his plan.
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