Luton The HOTBED OF TERRORISM (New) Documentary Tommy Robinson Anjum Choudhry

About the film A controversial original film shot and produced by Golden Century. In this new documentary, A local filmmaker interview key figures from the town to question the beliefs of some of the radical hate preachers, and the stance the local authorities are taking to combat the extremism. The film presents two sides of the town; 1. The beliefs and goals of the radical hate preachers, who are keen on spreading the message of hate under the banner of ‘Freedom of Speech’ 2. The authorities or the representatives of the town trying to eliminate the problem and keeping the town united. The key figures interviewed in this film are solely from Luton or have a major influence on Luton. 1. Anjum Choudhry – Leader of the banned group ‘Al- Muhajirun’ and a radical hate preacher now serving five years in prison for supporting ISIS. 2. Tommy Robinson – Former leader of EDL, now an active member of Pegida. 3. Gavin Shuker - MP Labour of Luton South. 4. Kathryn Holloway - Police and Crime Commissioner for Bedfordshire. 5. Dr Abdul Majid – World Renounced Islamic Scholar, TV Personality based in Luton. 6. Peter Jolly - Local Pastor from Luton. Golden Century (Copyright) All Rights Reserved 2016
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