“The Maximum Political DANGER Has Passed!“ - Political Expert On Rishi Sunak’s Fight For Rwanda Bill

Rishi Sunak has urged peers to “do the right thing” and back his Rwanda legislation as he prepares for a showdown with the House of Lords after winning Commons approval for his illegal migration plan. The Prime Minister saw his legislation pass its third reading in the Commons on Wednesday night, after a would-be backbench revolt on his Rwanda Bill largely melted away. But he has already been warned his flagship policy will face stern opposition from peers. At a press conference in Downing Street, he said: “It’s now time for the Lords to pass this Bill. This is an urgent national priority. “The treaty with Rwanda is signed and the legislation which deems Rwanda a safe country has been passed unamended in our elected chamber. “There is now only one question. Will the opposition in the appointed House of Lords try and frustrate the will of the people as expressed by the elected House? Or will they get on board and do the right thing?” Speaking to Julia Hartley-Brewer, T
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