How to make clay BIRD and EGGS. Clay Art for Kids. Easter craft idea.

How to make clay BIRD and EGGS. Easter craft idea. Clay Art for Kids. What is clay art? Clay is a natural material from the earth. It is produced from mineral sediment of river beds and lakes. Ceramic art is art made from ceramic materials, including clay. It may take forms including artistic pottery, including tableware, tiles, figurines and other sculpture. Products from a pottery are sometimes referred to as “art pottery“. Ceramic Pysanky. The oldest existing Ukrainian pysanky are the ceramic ones made in the XII to XIII centuries, in the time of Kyivan Rus’. They were simple, glazed eggs with designs of yellow, green and brown. Modern ceramic pysanky vary immensely from region to region, and from artist to artist. Some, like Hutsul ceramics, are highly traditional, with their yellow, brown and green color palette; some have intricate paintings from Ukrainian folk tales; and others are manifestations of the potter’s imagination. Easter Art Ceramic. Creating clay art for y
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