Top 100: Best Indie Games of 2017 Year in 10 minutes / Лучшие инди игры 2017
Here you can see a collection of the best projects in independent industry of 2017 Year. The list was formed by collecting statistics on reviews on Steam, Metacritic, Opencritic, and the World of Indie community also helped. The order is random, not alphabetical and not by ranking. You will definitely find something extraordinary. Don’t forget to place Like and subscribe to my channel.
Подборка лучших независимых проектов за 2017 год. Список формировался путём набора статистики отзывов в Steam, Metacritic, Opencritic, а также в сообществе World of Indie ВКонтакте. Порядок случайный, не алфавитный и без расстановки по местам. Не забываем ставить лайк и подписаться на канал, если вам понравилось видео или вы просто захотели меня поддержать.
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Author / Автор видео:
Music: Eveningland - Rev / Love Now / Finding Me / Escape
00:00 Intro, The First Tree
00:09 A Hat in Time
00:15 Rise & Shine
00:21 Heat Signature
00:27 Drifting Lands
00:33 Hob
00:38 Stick Fight: The Game
00:45 Linelight
00:51 Rain World
00:57 Cuphead
01:03 Monument Valley 2
01:09 Slime Rancher
01:15 Disc Jam
01:21 Serial Cleaner
01:27 Fight’N Rage
01:33 Old Man’s Journey
01:39 Tooth and Tail
01:45 Sundered
01:51 Wonder Boy: The Dragon’s Trap
01:57 Gorogoa
02:03 Far from Noise
02:09 Future Unfolding
02:15 SteamWorld Dig 2
02:22 Mages of Mystralia
02:27 Crawl
02:33 Battle Brothers
02:39 Torment: Tides of Numenera
02:45 Bendy and the Ink Machine
02:51 Road Redemption
02:57 Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice
03:03 Last Day of June
03:09 Battle Chasers: Nightwar
03:15 Mr. Shifty
03:21 Algotica Iterations
03:27 I Am The Hero
03:32 Beat Cop
03:38 Tokyo 42
03:45 Gang Beasts
03:51 Cat Quest
03:57 Hollow Knight
04:02 Hidden Folks
04:08 The End Is Nigh
04:20 Thimbleweed Park
04:26 2Dark
04:33 Tacoma
04:38 Everything
04:44 Hand of Fate 2
04:50 Flinthook
04:56 Little Nightmares
05:02 Megaton Rainfall
05:07 Absolver
05:14 The Inner World - The Last Wind Monk
05:19 Battle Chef Brigade
05:26 Opus Magnum
05:31 The Escapists 2
05:37 Finding Paradise
05:43 The Sexy Brutale
05:50 The Mooseman
05:55 Night in the Woods
06:01 World to the West
06:08 Pinstripe
06:14 Reflection of Mine
06:20 Scanner Sombre
06:26 RUINER
06:32 Hover
06:38 Freaky Awesome
06:44 The Darkside Detective
06:50 A Robot Named Fight!
06:56 ^observer_
07:02 Detention
07:08 Peace, Death!
07:14 River City Ransom: Underground
07:20 Haque
07:26 Tower 57
07:32 Press X to Not Die
07:38 Outlast 2
07:50 Shiness: The Lightning Kingdom
07:56 Pyre
08:02 Subsurface Circular
08:08 She Remembered Caterpillars
08:14 Bleed 2
08:26 Diluvion
08:32 Darkwood
08:38 STRAFE
08:45 Nongünz
08:50 Ken Follett’s The Pillars of the Earth
08:56 What Remains of Edith Finch
09:02 Black The Fall
09:08 Overgrowth
09:15 Long Dark, The
09:20 Yonder: The Cloud Catcher Chronicles
09:26 Rivals of Aether
09:32 Rakuen
09:39 Nex Machina
09:44 Brawlhalla
09:50 Antihero
09:57 Conarium, Outro