Does the Funeral Industry Really Hate Caitlin Doughty?

Over the past ten years, Caitlin Doughty has made waves in the US funeral industry with her advocacy and youtube channel @AskAMortician in an attempt to have the public revert to seeing death as normal and natural, and for alternative body disposal practices to be brought into effect. This has brought Ms Doughty many enemies. But what does the funeral industry outside the USA think of her? We surveyed 542 funeral workers around the world to find out. Survey Participants: Total 542 (US 208, Non-US 334) US Results: Positive 108, Negative 84, Not heard 16 Non-US Results: Positive 187, Negative 71, Not heard 76) (Yes, the stats of Non-US results are wrong in the video. Very sorry. I mistakenly included US results with the non-us results. Such an idiot. We will re-edit at some point) #debate #usa #international #funeral #alternative #advocate #deatheducation #TabooEducation #death #didyouknow #funfacts @AskAMortician ***SOCIALS*** FACEBOOK:
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