I Created A 55 Foot Long Snippet Roll From Paper Scraps - Plus Bonus Organization Tip

Hello everyone! Today I am going to show you how I created a 55 foot long snippet roll made using only paper scraps and other bits and gluing on a roll of 10key tape. For starters let me just say that I didn’t care for the snippet roll but once I got my hands on creating one, I absolutely love it! I also share how I store my paper scraps and hope you find it useful. Thanks for watching! My videos are unedited and I stumble with words most times (it’s a one shot deal you guys, hehe) but I do have a ton of fun creating them and hope you enjoy watching. Your comments are greatly appreciated and please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you so much for being here! Relatable Videos: I use snippet roll in this video for the soft cover: How I stamp on scrap pieces of paper: My Etsy Shop: Facebook:
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