How To Become A Perfect Slave Of The System - (Satire)

My attempt to become a comedian ;-) Rule number 1 Consume as much as possible. The more you consume the happier you become. happiness is always around the corner. Rule number 2 Good slaves consume a lot of mindless entertainment, they focus on shit that is irrelevant and occupy their thoughts with pointless drama, superficiality, narcissistic behaviour, celebrity gossip, dumb reality shows and all the other good stuff. Rule number 3 Do not question authority, don’t think for yourself. Authority knows better what is good for you. Rule number 4 Drink a lot of fluoridated water. It is good for your teeth. Your government’s main priority is to take care of your teeth... Rule number 5 Eat a lot of junk food. It tastes great, looks nice and it will make you unhealthy and fat. Rule number 6 Make sure you live in fear as much as possible. Rule number 7 Your group is always better ;-) Rule number 8 Be selfish, think about yourself
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