fashiontv | Best of FTV VODKA LOUNGE PARTY at “CLUB TAKE 5“, Vienna

FASHIONTV. VODKA LOUNGE PARTY. CLUB TAKE 5, VIENNA Best of F VODKA lounge parties at CLUB TAKE FIVE during September/October 2010 FASHIONTV INVITED YOU. to the exclusive f-Vodka Luxury Collection . Lounge at Vienna’s trend-location CLUB TAKE 5. F. VODKA - Elixir of Fashion THE MISSION STATEMENT: I was born in Poland. Vodka is my favorite drink. My vodka is based on a traditional recipe served to White Eagle Legion led by Polish General Kosciuszko during the American War of Independence in 1783. Now I created § Vodka, the Elixir of Fashion. Quadrupled distilled from the finest polish wheat & rye. Refined with diamond clear water from 400 meters artesian well. Models, Tycoons, Celebrities... Enjoy my vodka fashionably & responsibly. Na zdrowie! FOUNDER OF FASHIONTV - MICHEL ADAM VIENNA CITY BEACH CLUB --- JUNE 2010. Das Juni Programm am Vienna City Beach Club hat es in sich, das who-is-who der Wiener Veranstaltergarde gibt sich die Klinke in die Hand. Mehr als 40 DJ’s und zahlreiche Live-Acts erwarten dich im Juni am Vienna City Beach Club. SUN COMPANY BEACH CLUB ::: ANNO 1999 ::: CHILL & GRILL ::: ENERGY CLUB FILES ON THE BEACH ::: MYBEAT SUNSET SESSIONS ::: VIENNA CALLING SUMMER SESSIONS ::: NAVIDA ON THE BEACH ::: EGOLINE BURNS THE BEACH Für Abwechslung ist gesorgt, nicht nur musikalisch. Neben dem legendären Sandstrand kannst du dich unter Tags sportlich betätigen und am Beachvolleyballplatz dein Können unter Beweis stellen. Genieße einen der zahlreichen köstlichen Cocktails. Für das leibliche Wohl ist natürlich auch gesorgt, unsere Speisekarte lockt jeden Gaumen und Gusto. Tischreservierungen bitte telefonisch unter 0699 14401308 Vienna City Beach Club ::: jeden Tag ab 11h geöffnet ::: Mai - September About FTV: The lifestyle TV channel FashionTV was established in 1997 by the Viennese born Adam Lisowki. With a worldwide presence in over 200 countries, FTV reaches more than 400 million households. Being the only worldwide channel for fashion, beauty and style, FTV broadcasts 24/7 cutting-edge program and is seen in nearly 7 million public places like bars, fitness- and cosmetic-studios or fashion stores. The program shows the latest fashion shows worldwide -- from Milan, Paris to London and New York as well as interviews and behind the scenes with the leading designers and top models. The website comes up with about visitors and the world’s biggest online fashion library including all the fashion shows of the last 10 years.
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