Frainbreeze - Psy Orchestral Trance (FL Studio 20 Template)

Download: Download contains: 2 FL Studio 20 templates (Frainbreeze - Psy Orchestral Trance, Frainbreeze - Psy Orchestral Trance Mastering), 4 presets for ArtsAcoustic Reverb, 1 preset for FabFilter Saturn, 1 preset for Massive, 4 presets for Spire, 1 preset for Sylenth1, 8 presets for Waves Synth versions: Spire , Omnisphere , Sylenth1 , Massive , Kickstart , LFOTool , ArtsAcoustic Reverb , VolumeShaper 4, FabFilter Saturn , FabFilter Pro-L 2 (), Ozone 7 Nexus (Dance Orchestral, Omicron, Rom Extension, Psytrance) Waves v9r21 (HDelay (build29537), (OneKnobLouder (build29537), (Maserati B72 (Build29537), (JJP-Strings-Keys (build29537), (JJP-Vocals (build29537) Please note that the melody, midi, audio of the track is copyrighted and cannot be used as your own or as a part of your track o
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