Повеленное Тайно (самоподобен, КПЛ)

Похвала Богородицы. Хор Сретенского Монастыря - Тропарь Акафиста: самоподобен “Повеленное Тайно“ (распев Киево-Печерской Лавры). “Бог Господь“ и тропарь (глас 8) Sretensky Monastery Choir - troparion of the Laudation of the Theotokos (Fifth Saturday of Great Lent). Tone 8 “When the archangel“ samopodoben/automelon When the archangel understood the mysterious command, He came to the house of Joseph with haste and proclaimed to the unwedded Lady: The One Who bowed the heavens by His condescension is contain
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