Kick your legs and pat popliteal.

Specific exercise improve symptoms, daily full-body exercises remove root causes. Kick your legs and pat popliteal. 1. Clean up the kidney waste. 2. Relieve lower back pain. 3. Lose belly fat. 18 times each side one set, 3-6 sets a day According to the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, garbage from the kidney meridians accumulates in the popliteal fossa. You can feel it. If the popliteal fossa bulges high, it means there is a lot of garbage. Kidney function may be affected. Patting here can clean up garbage and improve kidney function. In addition, there is an acupoint here called Weizhong point, which controls the circulation of the lower back. Stimulating the Weizhong point can relieve lower back pain. Kicking can stretch the bladder meridians, relieve numbness and pain in the legs and buttocks, clean up waste in the body, and improve immune function. #wudang #taichi #qigong #ancientselfcare #health #chineseculture #tcm
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