ACE OF BASE. Live Concert Arena Riga
ACE OF BASE. Live Concert Arena Riga
0:00 Happy Nation
4:56 Living in Danger
8:02 The Sign
12:14 Dying To Stay Alive
17:22 Cruel Summer
20:42 Lucky Love
23:30 Never Gonna Say I’m Sorry
28:42 Don’t Turn Around (Solo)
33:56 Life Is a Flower
36:34 Gimme Gimme Gimme (ABBA)
41:54 All That She Wants (Solo)
43:06 All That She Wants
47:20 Beautiful Life
#aceofbase #jennyberggren #happynation #livingindanger #thesign #dyingtostayalive #cruelsummer #luckylove #nevergonnasayimsorry #dontturnaround #lifeisaflower #gimmegimmegimme #allthatshewants #beautifullife #concert #liveconcert #концерт #song #songs #live #livemusic #music #musica #musical #musically #musicvideo #musicvideos #show #amazing #dance #new #newsongs #pop #popmusic #dance #rap #arenariga #riga #clip #clips #2000 #2023