70 years on the seabed. 70 лет на морском дне. 在海底航行70年

On March 20, 1945, the American ship “Thomas Donaldson“, which was carrying cargo as part of northern convoys under Lend-Lease to Arkhangelsk, was attacked by the German submarine U-968. The cargo ship sank in the Barents Sea. In 2015, Russian specialists carried out work to lift equipment from the wrecked ship. It was possible to lift the steam winch and the “Cadet Roller“ asphalt paver roller. 70 years on the seabed. Now they stand near the Maritime Museum in Arkhangelsk. Friends, take a look at the quality of products that have lain for 70 years in salty sea water. Write in the comments - do these firms still exist? 1945年3月20日,美國船隻“托馬斯·唐納森”(Thomas Donaldson)作為Lend-Lease旗下北方車隊的一部分向阿爾漢格爾斯克運送貨物,遭到德國潛艇U-968的攻擊。貨船在巴倫支海沉沒。 2015年,俄羅斯專家開展了從沉船中吊起設備的工作。可以抬起蒸汽絞車和“ Cadet壓路機”瀝青攤舖機壓路機。現在他們站在阿爾漢格爾斯克海事博物館附近。朋友們,看看在鹹海水中浸泡了70年的產品的質量。在評論中寫-這&#
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