Meaning Of “Ananta Chaturdashi“ Explained by Shree Mataji Nirmala Devi

H.H. Shree Mataji Nirmala Devi Today is *Ananta Chaturdashi* Last day of Shree Ganesha festival😇. On this day we submerged Shree Ganesha idol into water. What’s the meaning of this event? Explain by Shree Mataji😇. Sahaja Yogi: “Anant Chaturdashi”. Shri Mataji: Today? Ah-ah! That’s great! Yes, must be. I was wondering “Anant Chaturdashi”. “Anant Chaturdashi” is the day when we “visarjan”, dissolve Shri Ganesha in the water. [Hindi : Ganesh ji ko chodte hai na pani mein – it’s that day we put the Ganesha
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