9 - 12 серии. Однажды в Одессе. Жизнь и приключения Мишки Япончика.

Все серии: Мишка Япончик — не просто обычный налетчик: стать королем воров, держать в страхе весь город и одновременно быть народным любимцем мог только человек неординарный. Его налеты были артистичными и остроумными, как маленькие спектакли. Но все же, как и почему босяк и уголовник с Молдаванки стал королем налетчиков? Mishka Yaponchik was an Ukrainian gangster, Jewish revolutionary and Soviet military leader. Artistic and witty, his bold crimes played out like mini dramas but Yaponchik, always calculating his next move, also had a generous nature. He held huge feasts for the whole population of Odessa, giving money and food to orphans, the homeless, the unemployed, newlyweds as well as families who had fallen victim to gangster crime. Yaponchik was in power for only three years from 1917 to 1919, but these were the most dramatic years of his life, filled with more action than most people exper
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