Astolsko - Λlstroemeria

Hi everyone, i’m finally happy to be able to release this track, i’ve been working on it for about 5 or 6 months now, and i’ve hit several walls during that period of making it, until eventually I had much more clear ideas on what I wanted to make of it, and it turned into this final product. This is my longest song so far, and I’m pretty satisfied about the fact, considering i usually just make things that are like 2-3 minutes long, so being able to make something that’s 5 minutes long is quite an achievement for it, usually in the past i’d be very hesitant about making something like this, especially because I struggle a lot with making sure everything in the song is coherent, but this time i was able to have a lot more courage and just work on it despite the fear i may not be able to string everything together, and it worked pretty okay!! This is far from the extent to which I would like to take this, but it is a massive
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