Song of the Antarctic Weddell Seal, 2 hours - MOO Antarctica

What does it sound like under the thick sea ice in the remote, frozen Southern Ocean around Antarctica? Here we present more than TWO HOURS of the unique, mesmerizing vocalizations of Weddell Seals, as recorded in November 2017 from the McMurdo Oceanographic Observatory, an installation 70ft (21m) below the sea ice in McMurdo Sound, Antarctica (latitude 78 degrees south). See also a selection of MOO audio at: The audio plays over a video spectrogram, which is a visual representation of the sound. Higher frequency (high “pitch“) sounds are shown above the lower ones, and the color indicates the intensity of the sound. Time scrolls along with the spectrogram, and the sound being played coincides with the image passing the red vertical line in the middle of the image. The audio is presented at normal speed - this is exactly what you would hear if you were under the ice yourself. **Note: Older viewers may have trouble hearing sounds abov
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