A man who is exposed to cruel attacks of Kung-fu!【Tamotsu Miyahira】斧刃脚・鉄砂掌・擒拿!宮平保の残酷技を受け続ける男

#宮平保 の武術を支える弟子たちの世界。 ★Turn on closed captions with 18 languages!【Subtitles】English, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, French, German, Vietnamese, Russian, Indonesian, Chinese, Korean, Hindi, Persian, Arabic, Polish, Thai,Turkish, Greek Please enjoy the video in your native language! ■宮平保と石井東吾が共演したDVD【CROSSROAD】絶賛発売中! 本編3時間と特典1時間、DISC2枚組・4時間。 ★天行健中国武術館公式channel ★黒帯ワールドDVD(国内)➡️ ★KURO-OBI WORLD INTERNATIONAL SERVICE Streaming Subscription with English subtitles ➡️ Buy on Vimeo (download with English subtitles) ➡️ DVD Sales (Japanese only) ➡️
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