Sax Man (feat. Ruel Stroud)

Not too long ago, The Lonely Island of Wakfu and Tenacious Stroud’s Ruel Stroud joined forces alongside an unnamed saxophone virtuoso to deliver the ultimate rap-jazz-folk-rock fusion offering the World of Twelve has ever seen. Unfortunately, the Sax Man wasn’t so much a virtuoso as he was a so-so, a hardly-so, a not-so. Will the performance inspire love and goodwill in all those who hear it, or will it end up infuriating and enraging the entire World of Twelve? Revolution or just plain revolt? Fun or refund? Raves or Stark Ravings? Mobs (the good kind) or Mobs (the bad kind)? Find out in the musical production that had both The Lonely Island of Wakfu and Ruel Stroud saying at the end: “Oh sh**!“ “Sax Man (feat. Jack Black)“ is the property of The Lonely Island and its related distributors. Wakfu and all its related media and characters is the property of Ankama
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