Castle Zagyx - Oath of the Dark Chivalry (2022) (Full Album)

Dark Ambient/Dungeon Synth/Dark Fantasy Music from Huesca, Spain. Bandcamp: ✸ Oath of the Dark Chivalry (2022) ✸ 1. Buff (The Measure. Oaths Sworn among the Trees) 00:00 2. Cendrée (Pale Riders under a Gibbous Moon) 04:29 3. Gules (The Dream-Quest of Fortress Nolkur) 07:43 4. Sable (Blue Flame Funeral Pyres Burning at Night) 10:45 5. Purpure (A Wizard Hideout in the Bluff) 15:05 6. Sanguine (Six Spectral Men-At-Arms at the Summit of Mount Almor) 19:16 7. Sinople (Temple of the Will-O’-Wisps) 23:29 8. Cinnabar (Aileen, the Winged Warrior) 27:21 9. Argent (Barbagula, the Spined Demon-Knight) 31:36 10. Or (An Ancient Bas-Relief Covered by Moss) 36:05 11. Azure (Kendon, the Horned Overlord) 41:30 12. Murrey (A Wreath of Black Bryony and Sleeping Nightshade) 45:22 13. Carnation (Bucknard, the Sellsword Captain) 50:10 14. Vert (Tales of Forbidden Wizardry) 53:25 #CastleZagyx #dungeonsynth #fantasy #medievalambie
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