MineCraft: A Replica of White House (Washington D.C.) E6 - Gay Bar parody
Hello, ones i decided to build something epix ... and here is White House.
I used these plants to create the rooms of the building: for
After I finished ground floor, I realized that terribly screwed up, so i have only 2 floors, not 3. I was playing on a public server and had limited piece of land, and therefore could not make the front entrance. Walls made of snowblocks and sandstone, of course I could not use a generator of resources, so the mountains, spades and pickaxes were my best friends.
I want to say hello to Leeeo, Deway, Macball and SimpleJay. They gave me a little help.
Some links from me.
- the greatest incarnation of DoTA. You MUST check it out!
Electric Six - Gay Bar
Electric Six - Danger high voltage