How To Sand & Refinish Century Old Pine Floor - Ask Questions - Leave Comments (Ep#32)

Tell us about your floor refinishing project! What were some of the challenges you encountered along the way? Your experience will be helpful to the community! To discuss your specific job with me, I offer 30, or 60 minute phone call, FaceTime, Zoom, or FB messenger meetings. For details, and pricing please email: hardwoodfloorrefinishing101@ We sand, and refinish a century pine floor that has multiple coats of paint, and finish. First we sand with the Clarke EZ8 drum sander, then edger with the Clarke Super 7, finishing with the Clarke OBS 18. We also use the Makita finishing palm sander. After we vacuum, and tack the floor, we apply 3 coats of Fabulon satin urethane. We 180 grit screen sand with the Clarke OBS 18, vacuum, and tack between coats of urethane. The floor sanding machines & paper I used to refinish this floor include: The floor sanding machines & paper I used to refinish this floor include: 1. Clarke EZ8 drum sander:
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